Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Absolute Points - How Many Absolute Points We've Seen in MCU?

Absolute point in MCU
 Absolute points in MCU

 Absolute is a concept in MCU. According to this concept absolute point in time which is unchangeable and unmovable.

Concept of absolute point which was shown in MCU was from another Universe. So now we are going to figure out some of absolute points in MCU.

1) Creation of Time Machine

 We can guess very easily that creation of Time Machine by Tony and performing Time Heist was an Absolute point. We have already seen in Loki Tv- Series that TVA(Time Variance Authority) strictly maintains the interfere in time but in the case of Avengers: Endgame TVA ignores Avengers.

So, clearly creation of time machine by tony is Absolute points, without its creation future events will not be possible. It is very logical that after creation of time machine concept of variants came to existence. Also it is responsible for war which take place in Multiverse.

-->  Jump to know three sides of Marvel Phase Four.

2) Ancient one's Death 

We all know that strange does not wants to become sorcerer. After getting enough knowledge of Mystic art, strange's first priority was to cure his hands. But after fighting Kaecilius when Ancient one's came into astral form she knows that her death is very important to transform into great sorcerer.

That is why she do not want to go back to her body, but her death was main triggering to convert strange to sorcerer. Its effect was clearly shown in Endgame where strange prove to be very important character.

3) Tony's Death

Death of tony triggers many points, which is proved to be very important for building future of MCU. Doctor Strange dialog also reinforce that in 14 million possibilities there was only one possibility where they won. Which shows that how much that event was Absolute.

Tony's death directly effects many characters which was very necessary for there future and also keep them ready for the future threats. We can't imagine any future movies or events of phase 4 without Tony's death. 

These are some Absolute points which are very important. It also confirms that Absolute points also exits in MCU.

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